Discraft Ace Race

[box type=”shadow”]2013 Ace Race Results:

The Ace Race was a huge success. It sold out, everybody had fun. We’re looking forward to 2014 now!


Derek Labrum – Grand Prize Winner

2 Aces and one Metal Hit

Ted Hegemann – Runner Up

1 Ace, 3 Metal Hits

Adam Little – Distance Competition Winner

Derek Platt – Furthest Travelled

Ted Hegemann – Pre-Registration Raffle Winner

Players Who Recorded Aces

  • Derek Labrum
  • Eric Wilmore
  • Kirk Wright
  • Steve Gunderson
  • Ted Hegemann

Closest To Pin Winners

  • Bedda Wiggington
  • Bob Davies
  • Danny Perkins
  • Dylan Clausen
  • Jace Smellie
  • Josh Clyde
  • Taylor Pingree (Twice)


Time & Place:

Show up for the first round of 18 at USU Old Main Hill between 8:30 and 10:00am. Check in. Get your players pack, and immediately begin your quick round. This will be a casual, fast-paced, super fun event!

Players Pack:

For participating, players will receive:

From Discraft:

  • Beginner-friendly distance driver… and it’s in premium Titanium plastic!
  • One Titanium mini Magnet: you’ve never seen one before, since they’ve never been made before!
  • Two reusable scorecards/bag tags: something else you’ve never seen before! We commissioned these reusable scorecards just for 2013 Ace Racers. With a pencil and a clean eraser, you can use your new scorecards for round after round. The first one is credit card sized… keep it in your wallet and you’ll always have a scorecard ready to go. It also makes a cool bag tag!
    The 2nd reusable scorecard is larger for easier use and up to six rounds of 18 before it needs erasing. The flipside has the complete 2013 Discraft flight chart for easy reference anytime. Stash it in your back pocket, in your bag, or use the punch hole to hang it wherever you like.
    We’re also including a pencil with eraser with your Ace Race player package, so you can start using these cards right away.
  • Two high impact plastic pint glasses: very cool!
  • One beverage koozie: silver on black, jack.
  • One tri-panel Discraft sticker: three stickers in one.

This will be a quick, fast tournament with the main emphasis on having fun and getting lots of free stuff. Here are the official rules form Discraft.
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One thing that the Ace Race will not be short of is prizes. You’re coming home with a bag of goods, and most likely a stack of other goods.

Closest To Pin Contests on Every Other Hole by Infinite Discs:

If your drive doesn’t Ace, but you are closer than anyone else, you will win:

  • Hole 2 – Infinite Discs Towel
  • Hole 4 – Infinite Discs T-Shirt
  •  Hole 6 – HDDGA Discraft CryZtal Z Challenger
  •  Hole 8 – HDDGA Discraft CryZtal Z Stalker
  •  Hole 10 – HDDGA Discraft CryZtal Z Buzzz
  •  Hole 12 – Infinite T-Shirt and Mini Disc
  •  Hole 14 – $15 Infinite Bucks
  •  Hole 16 – HDDGA Glow Nuke/ 3 Pack of Disc Lights
  •  Hole 18 – $20 Infinite Bucks

Grand Prize by Discraft:

2013 grand prize for each event is a Discraft merchandise package

  • Discraft bag
  • Eight new discs
  • discsSupercolor Buzzz trophy disc.

In addition to the Discraft Prizes, several additional prizes include:

Longest Drive Competition by Infinite Discs

Using the new proto discs, there will be a contest to see who can throw this disc farthest.

Farthest Traveled Award by Infinite Discs

Prize given to the player who travels the farthest to attend our Ace Race.[/box]

Mulligan (Local Disc Golf Fund Raiser)

Increase your odds of winning as well as donate to a great cause. Each player pack comes with two discs, but you only get to throw one per hole. Mulligans change that – if purchased, you can have a “do-over.” Double your chances of getting an ace and winning CTP prizes.
100% of the proceeds from mulligans purchases will go towards the creation/improvement of additional courses in Cache Valley.For example, Lundstrom Park is close to having a course, they simply need the baskets. Von Baer Park is also in great need of some better teepads. Help make these a reality, and be allowed to throw that second disc by purchasing mulligans.
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Discraft Ace Race Rules

Players are required to use the player package discs, and only these discs. If a disc is lost, the player has the option of using the second disc from the package. Only one throw per player per hole. All players should have their own scorecards and mark “A” for aces (a hole-in-one) and “M” for holes on which they hit metal.
After all players in the group have thrown, discs are picked up and the group moves directly to the next tee. Players keep their scorecards for round two, using the next line on the card to record the round.
The player with the most aces after 36 holes is declared the winner. In case of ties, the number of metal hits is used as a tie breaker. If a tie persists, a closest to the pin contest is then used to determine the event winner. View official rules and info Right Here[/box]


  1. Best Value in disc golf….. period.
    AND THEN…. We at Infinite Discs are throwing in a ton of other prizes. You can’t go wrong.


    1. You really can’t go wrong here!


  2. Wow! this seems like such a great event, how can I get involved? I will tell all my friends about it for sure.


  3. Hope I’m not working so I can play!


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